Lore, trivia, and other important info regarding the big building featured in a story project I'm working on.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Internet and the web

So there's this building-wide web that's been built that's been made specifically for the building's inhabitants. Y'know, just for secrecy's sake. Also, it's still possible to browse the web outside of the building's, but it's incognito. Also for secrecy's sake. All this stuff was built by Tekka.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Pain Chips

The pain chip is a physical device that's inserted in a robot to simulate feelings of pain when a certain area of a robot's body is interacted with in a way that would usually inflict pain on an organic life form. Unlike effect chips, like FGCs, its use is not temporary and will only stop being effective once removed. It was built by Sarlife.

"Feel-Good" Chips (FGCs)

 Feel-good chips (FGCs) are an effect chip that is the equivalent to alcoholic beverages for robots. It works very much like a relaxant. Its use is temporary and will usually stop its effects once it runs out of energy or when it's removed from the robot's system. They were built by Sarlife.

Does the building have a name?

Well, no, not really. Although, the region that the building is in is called "Proclia". So, I guess that's why some dwellers l...